Wednesday, July 1, 2020

"Peaceful Protests" Don't Include Terrorizing Citizens, Bystanders, and Shooting People

Dear Senator Lee,


Are we really telling police that their hands are tied? That they can't use force against people who are doing illegal things? What about the government's explicit role in "ensuring domestic tranquility?" I am upset about allegedly peaceful protesters detaining a woman in SLC yesterday, as well as the shooting of a citizen in Provo Monday night. I'm aware that arrests have already been made regarding the Provo incident. 


If there aren't laws against so-called "peaceful protesters" impeding traffic, detaining citizens, and attacking cars there needs to be. This is dangerous for people and protesters. Someone, or multiple people, will end up getting killed and then we'll all shake our heads wondering how this could have been avoided and what possibly went wrong. I've seen the videos of the mob attacks in other parts of the country killing and maiming people. I absolutely do not want to see that here. 


Impeding traffic isn't peaceful. Threatening citizens isn't peaceful. If police can't respond because this movement has been made about police brutality, and the protests can't be limited because of the First Amendment, then at least protect the citizens by making it illegal, if it isn't already, for people to impede the movement of vehicles, block the streets, or otherwise detain vehicles, especially with malice. I assume actually attacking the vehicles of citizens is already illegal, as is attempted murder. Something must be done to prevent masked people from gathering under the guise of "protesting" and being given free reign to terrorize people.


While I support the rights of people to peaceably assemble, I condemn the use of violence and intimidation to try to advance a cause. At what point do we concede that the goal of many in these groups is to stoke terror and fear? At what point do we acknowledge that "mostly peaceful protests" isn't a descriptor that can be used when it involves terrorizing people, attacking people and cars, and terrorizing bystanders? The actual goal of many of these protests seems to be inciting terror, making the regular citizens feel unsafe, and undermining the rule of law. It is not merely an "inconvenience" to stop traffic and refuse to allow the free movement of citizens. This is completely unacceptable. Please encourage harsh penalties for all involved in activities like these, and make new laws if there aren't adequate laws to protect bystanders from the wrath of these mobs. 




Valerie Dircks

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